Sunday, December 16, 2007

Drunk ramblings...

Ok so I'm drunk as fuck right now so I figured I'd blog. Then it dawned on me that no one even reads this so it doesn't really matter. I mean hell I've been blogging for almost a yr and hardly anyone ever reads or responds to this crap. I'm in a shitty mood cause frankly life sucks major donkey dick. So I figured fuck it I might as well drink. So thats what I'm doing I'm drinking... its like almost 8 am here.. but I've been drinking since like 2am so I guess I'm still ok. I'm gonna keep drinking till either I run out of beer or I pass out. I think I've hit the point I'm just like fuck it all.. none of it makes any sense anyway. Life fucking sucks, anytime you try to live right and do whats asked of you you get fucking shit on.. so fuck everyone and everything. They can all kiss my big huge fat ass and go to hell.