Thursday, November 15, 2007

My rant

Ok so I'm really pissed right now. Mostly because I keep hearing on the news about all these damn protesters who are blocking shipments of supplies from over seas to here and back. WTF is wrong with these jackasses. Ok so you don't like the war, guess what neither do half the people over there fighting, but to hinder them from doing their job and putting their lives in further jeopardy isn't going to help matters. Fuck people, if you want to make a difference, fine contact the fucking bastards who are in charge over in Iraq and tell them to pull their head out of their fucking asses so we can bring our guys home and not have to worry about this shit. Fucking tree hugging bastards think that their stupid ass antics are doing anything positive. Sorry there sparky all you're doing is making it harder for those that are gone to get home any sooner. Fucking dip shits.